Who We Are?

Answering this question is quite hard because there is no particular person for writing reviews on this website.
It is an open review site where everyone writes their own ideas. You can write review articles while suggesting reviews for already published ones. It is also recommended to read our rules before submitting your reviews.


Our mission is providing reliable information that will help you make buying decisions easily. As you can sense there are hundreds of review sites promoting products just to earn money. But we are different, we don’t write to promote products, instead we let the ones who bought a product to share information about their purchases, and if they are sharing false reviews you will notice that because the rating and reviews are public it means anyone can suggest reviews and mention what is being lied about a product.


When someone writes a review we will let him/her have their own affiliate or product link as a reward for the information they shared, and it doesn’t mean that we let them write any fake reviews, we have procedures for any edit and new reviews, all the reviews are being checked by our moderators, and when they approved the review the post will be available for comments that affect the overall rating of that product. when we see a product that has a low rating and lots of complaints, we will open suggest reviews for that post in order for anyone to be able to write their own opinions about the parts of that review and finally, our team of moderators will choose one that fits the best.

P.S. in comments section anyone can write their own perspectives and rate each product.